How to prevent yourself from STDs

The only way to absolutely prevent ever having a sexually transmitted diseases is to not have sex (abstinence) or to only have sex with one partner who doesn’t already have an STD and who isn’t having sex with anyone else (a mutually monogamous relationship).

STD Prevention

The only way to absolutely prevent ever having a sexually transmitted diseases is to not have sex (abstinence) or to only have sex with one partner who doesn’t already have an STD and who isn’t having sex with anyone else (a mutually monogamous relationship).

If you have more than one sex partner or if you’re at all uncertain about whether your sex partner is having sex with anyone else, you may be at risk of catching an STD. The risk increases with the number of sex partners you have. Some people may be offended by a discussion of protective measures for STDs. But many people are at risk, and it’s important to understand which sexual practices can put you and others at risk and how you can reduce that risk.

You can help lower your risk of catching an STD by practicing the following suggestions, known as “safer sex”. Keep in mind that these tips aren’t guaranteed to protect you and that the only “safe” options are to choose abstinence or to stay in a mutually monogamous relationship.

  1. Know your sex partner very well. Tell your partner if you have an STD and ask if he or she has one. Talk about if you’ve both been tested for and if you should be tested again.
  2. Look for signs of an STD in your partner. For example, sores around the penis or vagina can indicate a STD. Keep in mind that a person with an STD doesn’t always know he or she has an infection.
  3. Always use a latex condom when you have sex, including oral and anal sex, if you’re all uncertain about whether your sex partner has an STD or is having sex with anyone else. A condom blocks and protects the skin. Condoms reduce the risk of passing or catching an STD but don’t eliminate the risk. That’s because condoms don’t protect all of your skin in the genital area, and sometimes they can break. Condoms shouldn’t provide a sense of total security because that might lead to risky sexual activity.


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